8 Lip care tips

Incorporating lip care into your daily skincare and self-care routine is essential, yet it is often neglected. Here is a comprehensive guide to help you take better care of your lips.

Exfoliating your lips with a gentle lip scrub removes chapped, flaky skin and revives the softness and smoothness of your lips. Using a good lip scrub 2-3 times a week is ideal as exfoliating every day may cause more problems. Make sure your lips are clean and makeup-free, pat them dry, and scrub your lips gently in a circular motion. Rinse well and apply a lip balm to keep your lips hydrated.

Drinking an adequate amount of water is essential for keeping your lips hydrated, plump, and beautiful. Low water intake is a significant factor in causing dry, chapped lips. Keep a bottle of water with you and sip it regularly to keep your lips hydrated.

Using a lip balm acts as a shield on your lips, providing extra protection against external environmental factors. It also locks in moisture and prevents dryness. Lip balms usually contain ingredients like Shea Butter, Lanolin, or Petroleum Jelly, which provide instant moisturization to the lips.

Your lips can indicate the hydration levels of your body. Including superfoods in your diet that are rich in vitamins A, C, E, and Zinc can help keep your lips hydrated, supple, and soft.

The skin on our lips is extremely thin and delicate, making it more vulnerable to sunburn. Excess exposure to harmful UVA and UVB rays can cause solar cheilitis, making our lips dry, discoloured, and cracked. To prevent this, use a lip balm with a minimum of SPF 30 and reapply at frequent intervals.

Licking your lips is not recommended as it makes your lips even drier than before, thinning down the skin of already delicate skin making it more prone to environmental stressors.

Harsh chemicals in lip products like lip balm, lipsticks, exfoliators, or lip gloss can cause skin irritation and dehydration. Always opt for fragrance-free and flavour-free lip products that do not contain eucalyptus, menthol, phenol, salicylic acid, propyl gallate, camphor, or lanolin.

Smoking is a major cause of discolouration, hyperpigmentation, or darkening of the lips and gums. Reducing smoking and tobacco is not only essential for overall health but also hydrates the skin and lips, reducing discolouration. Exfoliating regularly and keeping yourself hydrated can help reduce discolouration.

Our lips require the same level of care as our bodies. We eventually ingest what we apply to our lips, making it even more crucial to care for them. Jovees lip care range offers various lip balms and lip products to help keep your lips healthy and beautiful.

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